Richard Golian

Richard Golian

a Charles University alum, Head of Performance at Mixit s.r.o., and advocate of EU reform.

#myjourney #myfamily #digital #finance #EUreform #politics #health

Castellano Slovenčina

Why am I a Part of Volt Europa? Real Positive Change, and an Innovative Approach

By Richard Golian31 August 2024 Castellano Slovenčina

I am deeply rooted in my hometown, a place I cherish with pride. But, my identity as a local patriot is inseparable from my commitment to a broader, interconnected world. For me, being a local patriot also means being an engaged European.

Richard Golian Volt Europa, European union
Me, Richard Golian, with Volt Czechia board member Adam Hruška

In 2019, when I first learned about Volt Europa—a movement dedicated to driving positive change across Europe with a distinctly innovative approach—I was immediately intrigued. Volt Europa stands out as the most forward-thinking political project I’ve encountered.

It was this interest that led me, at the end of 2019, to attend a meeting of Volt Slovakia in Bratislava. At that time, it was a small civic association with just a handful of members in Slovakia. However, what I found was something profoundly logical: truly interesting and passionate people gravitate toward inspiring ideas. These individuals were dedicating significant energy and free time to the cause. My enthusiasm was so strong that I willingly spent five hours on a train to Bratislava for just an hour-long meeting in a café. That very day, I decided to join Volt Europa—a decision I have never once regretted.

Since then, Volt Europa has secured several seats in the European Parliament, grown to over 20,000 members across Europe, and is now registered as a political party in Slovakia. The community striving for positive change in Europe continues to expand.

Why am I a part of it?

A United Europe: A Stronger Voice on the Global Stage

I see no rational argument against making Europe more cohesive, united, and self-confident.

I want the world to take us seriously and to respect our opinions. I want China, India, and the United States to recognize Europe as an equal partner in every discussion.

Let's be honest: who in China would consider the Spanish Prime Minister an equal partner in a discussion? While someone might claim to, the reality is different. Either Europe speaks with a confident, unified voice, or we risk being seen merely as a tourist destination—a cultural monument for visitors from around the world. This is the stark reality we must confront.

I don't accept this, and I believe most Europeans don't either. This is why we need a unified European foreign policy and respected leaders who can represent it effectively.

A More Democratic Europe and a Stronger Voice for Citizens

I see no rational argument against making European elections more democratic and comprehensible to citizens.

When there is an inspiring leader, respected across Europe, who is running for the highest positions within European institutions, I want to be able to vote for them, even if they are not from my member state. I want the members of the European Parliament, whom I elect, to have greater powers to shape the future of Europe—to propose laws rather than merely respond to what the European Commission presents.

I want to vote in European elections for a program that will be implemented, not for one of over 100 different programs that, after the elections, are diluted by endless compromises. It’s no wonder that major positive changes are so rare, given the sheer volume of agreements that need to be struck.

It doesn’t surprise me that most people today don’t understand European elections or are disinterested in them. We can’t even choose our leaders through these elections, nor do we vote on any ambitious program that could bring about real positive change. The representatives we elect are not even able to propose new laws.

The solution lies with Volt Europa—a common program for the entire continent that promises real positive change, a more respected Europe on the global stage, and a more democratic Europe for its citizens. It offers the possibility of electing political representatives across member states and empowering them with real capabilities to improve Europe.

This is what I want.

Are you interested in what is happening in Europe? Do you want to be part of a positive change? Take a look at:

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